This is your chance to redesign the kitchen you’ve been dreaming of; the gorgeous tiled splash-back, the built in fridge and of course the endless amount of storage space for those 200 Tupperware containers you’ve been hoarding.
Your kitchen is usually considered a high use space that you’ll use everyday, so you really need to pinpoint what you want and don’t want from your future kitchen. Is there anything in your current kitchen you wish was bigger, taller, wider? Make note of the aspects you’d like to incorporate or change. We’ve compiled a few starting points to get you thinking about your new design.
1. Bench space is worth its weight in gold!
Whether you consider yourself to be a regular Jamie Oliver in the kitchen or you’re someone who occasionally manages to overcook water, the size of your benchtop might differ depending on what it’s intended for and how much attention it will be receiving.
Are you an entertainer or have a big family to feed? In this case be sure to allow yourself some extra breathing room when designing your kitchen benches. Think about incorporating an island bench so guests can sit and enjoy their wine while also staying at an acceptable distance and not breathing down your neck while you’re trying to plate up.
This is also a great time to think about what you’d like to keep on your benchtops, will you have enough room for the toaster, blender, knife block and still have enough bench space to chop your carrots?
2. Cater your kitchen storage to your needs
Gone are the days where we had to settle for deep and narrow pantries, reaching blindly in and hoping to find the correct spice. When renovating your kitchen, not only do we focus on the immediate surface layer design but the hidden technical bits that make your kitchen practical. This is an opportunity to cater your storage depths and heights for specific appliances and items you want to store. How often do you see yourself using these items, do they require shallower more accessible shelves so you can see everything? You may even want to incorporate a deeper taller shelf for everyday appliances like your thermo mix and fondue set.

3. Give yourself room to move (and potentially dance)
If you’re anything like me, sometimes cooking can get a little heated. Before you know it you have three different bowls spread across each corner of the kitchen and you’re having a stern word with your significant other to give you some space and get out of the kitchen. When planning your new kitchen layout, consider what a comfortable amount of space feels like between benches and appliances. When you’re preparing food on the island bench, can someone else be behind you cooking over the stove without being squashed back to back?