Gosh 2020 has been a kick in the guts? am I right?
Push the global pandemic aside and we still had a rough year. But you know what… the rough years are what shapes us and pave the path for the years to come. I for one am a stronger person after living through 2020 and I hope you are too.
We have not only learnt to be grateful for what we have, but to also work hard for what we want.

So what am I grateful for?
The obvious things right? Freedom? being able to travel further that 50km from my own house. To be able to visit a friend or have a BBQ with more than 10 friends right? I so took this for granted. You couldn’t just drop in and see someone, or chuck the partner and dog in the car and go for a drive, no! Everything had to be pre-planned and COVID safe.
So I am super grateful to now be able to head off for the weekend and go for an adventure with 2 people I love the most… YES, that’s my dog and my partner, and in that order too!
My Career
I’ve never been so grateful and down right petrified to be running my own business! Grateful in the sense that I don’t have an employer pulling the strings, and I’m not finding myself unemployed as a result of their business not surviving the turbulent economic crisis we found ourselves in.
But on the other hand I was sh**ing myself, excuse the language… not sure if my business could survive this and doing everything I could to ensure it’s safety. For all those business owners out there that understand exactly what I went through in the month of April where we were frantically applying for every government grant and stimulus package in the hope that would keep us afloat. It was a scary experience to say the least.
But I am lucky enough to be in the build industry which is currently in a huge boom and my career and business are safe, better yet it’s thriving. I did my biggest financial months between June and now and I am forever grateful to all my clients who have given me the opportunity to grow my business in a time that so many others have gone under.

My Financial Position
We all stress about money right? RIGHT! Well I am so lucky to have a partner who was classified as an essential worker. He is a teacher, and god damn we appreciate them so much more now, hey? I had the pleasure of not living through the ‘home schooling’ phase of the epidemic and I have the highest respect for those families who took on roll of the family teacher and got a glimpse into the life of a teacher.
But having a partner who is a government employee and classified as an essential worker during this pandemic meant that no matter what happened with my business we were financially safe. Which relieved a lot of pressure I would have put on myself if I was the bread winner supporting a family on one income that wasn’t a sure thing. So thank you Zak for ensuring I didn’t have to worry about our finances. You had us covered!
my heart goes out to all affected financially
My Sanity
Oh my word there was a time there I was questioning my sanity.
Imagine a world where you live in country Tasmania… You are 1 hr away from the closest city… you are not allowed further that 30km from your home… and you work from home… Scary I know! This was my life for 3 months.
Yep, my life consisted of showering as little as necessary and getting dressed up to go to the supermarket. My day consisted of getting up, walking the 5 meters from my bedroom to my office and sitting down for 8 hours everyday, then moving from my office to the couch with a possible break in there to walk the dog just so I could leave my own house.
I am thankful that the period of this being a normal day for me was short, and I sympathies for those in lockdown longer than we had to endure in Tasmania.
So what am I really grateful for?
2020 has taught me above everything else that we need to take care of each other, check in once in a while on a friend who may be struggling, and appreciate the little things.
I appreciate the technology that kept us all connected, and that allowed my business to keep going.
I appreciate the essential workers that kept us safe, educated, and taken care of. I appreciate the sacrifice they all made to learn how to teach differently, protect us like they never have before and put themselves at risk to ensure we were all safe.
Thank you to every single person out there they helped another, supported a friend and took care of their families.
We not only survived 2020, we thrived against all odd’s and I for one will never forget the year that was 2020.

We at Savannah Denny Designs have 6 years experience in this industry and we are the experts you can trust so that you avoid those huge renovation mistakes as we advise you on what you should do.
We pride ourselves on giving you actionable advice and we would love
to hear about your bathroom renovations so make sure to DM us on Instagram or tag @savannah_denny_designs in your post so we can
follow you renovation journeys. We hope these tips will help you smash your bathroom renovation and under budget!